A Manifesto of Sorts

1 June 2023

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Henry David Thoreau

Okay, yeah, I get it, depressing title. But it’s a rarely acknowledged fact that from the minute we are born we’re speeding our way towards our own death. And whatever it is that we choose to do it seems, to me anyway, that it should be something that brings us joy and beauty. And I’ve decided that something is going to be Sea Kayaking. Now full disclaimer… Eating Bon Bons on the sofa was a close second, so no judgements here.

And the alone part? Well after 50 or so years of gentle, and not so gentle, nudges, it finally sunk in that I’m not really societies “cup of tea”. Seems if I pester the heck out of folks (aka stalk) they’ll tolerate me, but if left to their own devices, they’d choose a different flavor.

There is a thing about being alone though, being alone surrounded by others can be a depressing and frustrating experience. But being alone on the water is often meditative and restorative. This is something I’ve missed since my sailing, alone, days. So…

No Pressure Crazy Sea Kayaking Idea

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